NYO strives to be inclusive and has a bursary scheme which provides financial support towards subscription and residential fees for families whose circumstances may prevent students from joining. We can offer further support to cover tour, workshop and instrumental tuition fees. We also let our members know of other Trust Funds they can apply to for awards. Please get in touch with the Administrator for further details.
In 2023-2024 over £6000 of bursary support was given to NYO families.
Am I Eligible?
There can be a whole range of reasons that families may be struggling financially. Support is available to ensure that local young musicians have the opportunity to take part in NYO, this includes tour, day trips and membership fees.
In exceptional circumstances, bursaries of up to 100% of fees may be awarded. Typically, bursaries of 60% are offered.
If ANY of the below apply, then you may be eligible for a bursary:
I am in receipt of Universal Credit.
My child is in receipt of free school meals.
The financial crisis has significantly affected my disposable income.
There is a temporary impact on my finances (e.g unemployment, maternity leave, health problems, family issues).
Please note that other circumstances affecting your capacity to pay your child's membership fees will also be considered.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Paula in confidence before submitting your application.
Take a look at our financial support online form to find out more.
The Needham Scholarship, the result of a generous bequest from Miss Lorna Needham, is an award open to all senior orchestra players. It is intended to help fund instrumental lessons for one academic year and each year’s Needham Scholarship winner is given the opportunity to perform as soloist with the orchestra usually at the summer post-tour concert. Members are notified about future auditions for the scholarship. The 2019 recipient was Lizzie Bratton who began playing in Training Orchestra, worked her way to become NYO’s co leader in 2018-19 and leader in 2019-20, returning in 2022 to perform the Bruch Violin Concerto with senior NYO.
NYO is also grateful to the Horril family for their donation in memory of Peter who was a local school master and music lover. It is hoped that the Peter Horril Scholarship Fund will support members of NYTO and NYIO.