NYIO - Intermediate Orchestra
Intermediate Orchestra performs three concerts a year enjoying classical favourites, film scores, traditional folk and jazz music in excellent arrangements. The musicians are also challenged with original classical and modern orchestral repertoire to prepare them for moving up to NYO.
Membership of NYIO allows youngsters to progress musically alongside other players of similar age and ability. Many play at around Grade 5 level and are often in their GCSE years at school. However exam preparations don’t stop students attending as orchestra is the perfect activity to have a break from studying and enjoy making music with others.
Friendships are forged throughout the year and particularly on trips where members enjoy music workshops, social activities and fresh air.
“What a fantastic afternoon with NYTO and NYIO at the Albert Hall. Some fabulous young musicians and the quality of the playing was just outstanding. Goosebumps time.”
— Ali J Photography